
The Wall

Life today can be hectic and overwhelming to say the least.  There is certainly a place in our day to be given to in depth study dedicated to our success in life.  Sometimes, though, you just want to get right to the meat.  This is the aim of this blog post. I want to...

Comfort Killer

Is there something you want to do or accomplish?  Is this thing that you want causing you stress, worry or anxiety?  Do you wish you could skip past the challenges of getting started and simply find yourself in the comfort of already being fully immersed in the...

Go from Ozone to Success Zone!

This post asks a monumentally important question.  When embarking on a new quest, whether it is a new business, furthering your education formally or attempting to reinvent yourself, it all begins with an idea.  For most, our ideas are pretty lofty and tend to reside...
How to Take Control of Your Life

How to Take Control of Your Life

I have not conducted a formal study on the biggest challenges that our society faces today, but I think even a moderately observant person would agree that among the top issues is that of responsibility.  I believe that the blame game has become an epidemic in our...

Failure is Not the Problem You Think it is!

I believe it was Thomas Edison who famously said that he had not failed, he had merely discovered ten thousand ways that don’t work. Is that not a beautiful take on perspective and determination? There are many more famous examples of people who have literally failed...