
Weight Loss Challenge – Update #6

I find it incredible how fast time passes. Today marks one month since I began my weight loss challenge, thus reaching the end of leg one of this two leg journey. It has been a wild ride this first 30 days. I experienced some pretty great highs, and had some...

Weight Loss Challenge – Update #5

Well, this weight loss challenge has been a wild ride so far.  It has been filled with unexpected twists and turns.  I began with a phenomenal 8 1/2 pound loss in the first week.  I experienced a number of challenges with respect to my health coincidentally which lead...

Weight Loss Challenge – Update #3

This was a crazy first week of my weight loss challenge.  I learned a few things along the way and will pass them along to you in this blog post.  Naturally, I have results to report that you’ll be interested in hearing.  I think you will want to read this and jump on...