Tag Archives: goals

Mentoring with Jeff Grillo, “The Excuse Assassin”

Many choices exist today from which you can invite a professional to come encourage, motivate and inspire your staff and students.  Events which include a dynamic speaker can help all who listen to become more and do more than they may have previously thought they could.

The trouble is when the speaker leaves, so does the feelings of excitement and hope.  An extremely good speaker will touch people deeply and may have a lingering effect days later.  This positive effect drops off rapidly as typically with the end of the event comes the end of the commitment on the part of the speaker.  So what exactly did you get for your investment?

This is where you will find a tremendous difference when investing in an event with Jeff Grillo, “The Excuse Assassin.”  Not only is Jeff a dynamic and powerful speaker with an extraordinary story of how he has faced and overcome many life challenges including blindness, two forms of malignant cancer, heart problems, financial collapse, chronic pain and more, but he also offers a year long commitment to measure and track your progress and the progress of your students, faculty or staff in twenty areas of attitude and performance.  The data gleaned using iGoals9 helps Jeff to tailor his mentoring to address the specific challenges that will lay out a clear set of goals and a plan to achieve them.  Ongoing mentoring happens on a closed Facebook group platform where each individual not only receives group mentoring but also has the opportunity to share and learn from their peers.  Additional one on one mentorship is given as needed and determined by the Jeff Grillo Mentoring Team in order to ensure the progress of each mentee.

What are you waiting for?  Contact the Jeff Grillo Mentoring Team now and learn more!

Stoke the Hope!

According to dictionary.com, the word hope means, “the feeling that what is wanted can be had, or events will turn out for the best.”

At the root of every journey is hope.  We all have a starting point in our pursuit of success.  This is naturally different for every person.  For some, success is defined by position or power, for others it is a certain income or standard of living, and still for others it is simply having enough to not have to worry about the basics.  Nonetheless, there is an idea or vision ascribed to that is based upon hope, or the belief that what is wanted can be had.

It is this belief that shapes our attitudes, determines our focus and as we progress towards the mark, fans the flames of enthusiasm as we get closer and closer.

It is critical as many famous leadership gurus have pointed out to dream and set goals.  I’m certain you have even been taught or read somewhere that it is important to dream big!  There is certainly an element of truth to this, but I will offer up a word of caution.  I have found that if one dreams too big, too soon it can squash hope!  Our march towards success should be incremental and as we enjoy success, we then can build upon previous milestones and reach even higher.

Here’s what I mean by dreaming too big too fast.  I remember being a young man with very little in terms of material possession or accomplishment.  I was fairly brand new to the quest for success.  I was drawn to a certain marketing enterprise where the people who mentored me were much older and already pretty successful people.  They had me hook, line and sinker on the idea of dreaming big.  No dream was too big or off limits.  So here I was a relative kid with nothing, dreaming of 6,000 square foot mansions, Ferraris and half-million dollar luxury yachts.  Not bad I thought.  After all, I do have good taste!

I’ll fast forward to the end of that particular story and tell you that I was a categorical failure in every sense of the word, at least as far as it was related to this particular business.  Why?  Was I not cut out for success?  Was I genetically inferior and relegated to the lower rungs of society?  No!  I simply dreamed too big too fast and was blinded by it.  I could clearly see the end goals, but couldn’t get past the present situation and make it happen.

Again, I’m not saying not to dream.  We must, in fact dream and dream big, but be careful to do so progressively on the road toward success.

Once we have ourselves a big dream session and envision our ultimate end game, we then must work backwards to the point from which we start.  Then, we need to forge a path with progressive attainable goals which, as we accomplish each one, we are propelled on to the next one.

We must always maintain a high level of hope, or belief that what we want that is just ahead of us can and will be had!  Stoke the hope!  We need to get so excited and full of enthusiasm over the goal around the next corner that our hope rises to the point that we are nearly exploding!  In the back of our minds we understand that the achieving of this next goal is one more step on the path to the ultimate goals.  It is this that I find keeps the flame of enthusiasm burning long term.  You definitely don’t want to be a quick burn when it comes to chasing your dreams.

Now, go stoke the hope!

Focus is Critical

Our goals and desires in life, if meaningful enough to us, will drive us to do whatever it takes to succeed.  There are times that this drive and raw excitement can for many of us turn into a crazy and at times seemingly out of control ride.  We spin in all directions, firing on all cylinders and appear to be amazingly busy.  When pursuing our goals, however, busy is not necessarily good all the time.  Here is what I mean.  Don’t get me wrong, we need to be busy that is how things get done, we just don’t need to be so busy that we have our hand in so many things nothing really gets accomplished in the end.

Let’s look at the differences in focus.  I like to liken it to the shooting range.  Believe it or not, I enjoy the shooting sport.  Hard to believe, I know, but even with severely limited sight I can still hit certain color and size targets from fairly close ranges, usually 10 to 20 feet or so.  If I had a silhouette target set about 20 feet in front of me and decided todo some target practice there are two types of guns I might be inclined to try out.  One may be a handgun of some sort with a laser pointer on it.  I don’t actually own one, but for illustration of making this point I will ‘pretend!”  I think most people using a laser-sighted gun can hit the target nearly every time if their pull is firm and steady.  With laser focus you can stay on target and reach the goal, in this case scoring a bullseye!  Then, perhaps we might think about trying the shotgun on the next target.  The shotgun will also enable you to hit the target, but in a much different way.  The shotgun sends out a spray of pellets that become more and more spread out the longer the distance they travel.    With the handgun and laser I can put several rounds within a tight grouping in and around the actual bullseye center of the target.  With the shotgun, I may very well hit the target, but there is no guarantee how many of those pellets will get anywhere near the bullseye.  Out of say 9 pellets that go down range maybe only four of them hit the target.  Out of those four pellets one hit the copyright information way at the bottom of the target, off the silhouette.  A second pellet hit high and left of center.  The third pellet hit the edge of the paper where it was taped to the wood, but not actually on the target itself.  Maybe the forth hit several inches right of center.  So while the shotgun approach in general helps you to have a tactical advantage in real life, on a paper target, it is actually not advantageous at all!  Aside from the thrill of feeling the powerful kick of the shotgun, there is little value in target shooting.

This relates to our personal lives in the following ways to varying degrees depending upon your specific situation.  Firstly, if we focus our energies in a single endeavor we are more likely to hit what we are most focused upon.  If we have too many things we are attempting to achieve at one time the likelihood of any real success at any o them is greatly reduced.  Better to have singular purpose and one by one pick off your goals.

In my life, this seems to be the case.  When I am focused on something and I can give it my full attention, success is close at hand.  If I find myself juggling too many things at once, frustration is usually by my side.