
I am excited to announce an amazing offer!  I almost feel like one of those crazy store owners doing those local commercials that only seemed to air at off hours.  You know the ones promoting the giant blowout sale and my prices are so low they’re crazy!  That’s the guy!

Now, I sincerely hope that this is not the impression you get from this offer!  I am excited most of all to be able to put two powerful tools in your hand.  Plus, it is just in me to enjoy to give things away to people, especially when they’re gifts that will bring blessing and improvement to quality of life for the recipient.  I already offer an absolutely free initial life coach session so you can kick the wheels a little and see what great value my sessions offer.  Now, I want to put a signed copy of one of my books in your hands absolutely free, too!

This is a very limited time offer.  In fact the offer ends this Wednesday March 9, 2016 at midnight eastern time (US).  That is just over three full days from now!

All you have to do to claim your FREE copy of “Power in Perseverance” is to go to my website and visit my product page.  Once there simply order your copy (ebook or paperback) copy of my latest book, “The Excuse Assassin.”  You pick the format you prefer!  Then, once you make a verified purchase from the Amazon website which my product page links to, give the book a positive rating and leave a positive comment.  Send me a screenshot of your comments or simply email me what you wrote and I’ll verify for you.  It’s simple as that.  Oh wait, you’ll also need to email me the address you want the book mailed to and any personalization you wish me to include.

My email is    Again, “Power in Perseverance” will be mailed to you a absolutely FREE with your purchase and positive feedback on Amazon’s website.  I am even going to pay the shipping and handling myself!

Between the two books you will be encouraged, motivated and inspired beyond your expectations.  You will be filled with the strength and determination you need to persevere through the toughest of trials.  You will learn how to identify and destroy the fear, excuses, and obstacles that stand between you and your goals.  These are books you will want your whole family to read and grow along with you.

Hurry now, don’t delay this offer will expire at midnight March 9, 2016 (eastern US time.)

Be sure to subscribe to this blog, as you won’t want to miss out on a single post.  I do not often post about offers.  What you will find is a variety of life lessons that have brought me past my obstacles and over the toughest hurdles life has thrown at me.  Join me, and subscribe today!

Also, I invite you to join me on my YouTube channel.  I call it throttleupradio.  Please come by and see what you can learn there as well.  Again, its free!  Subscribe today.