Sometimes secrets are hidden in plain sight. It is amazing that we can sometimes search far and wide and spend all sorts of time and money to find a missing key that will help us to solve a problem that is plaguing us. This blog post will reveal one such obvious, yet hidden secret to success that eludes far too many of us.
The secret is found abiding in the midst of some of the most successful corporations in the world. Corporations that produce the most sought after gadgets, appliances, pharmaceuticals and so on. In fact, this one secret key to success is typically invested in heavily from the profits gained from the last product of this same investment! What in the world am I talking about already? Here it is, the simple and “in your face” obvious component that is missing in the lives of far too many of us. That missing key is R& D, yes, research and development!
Corporations spend crazy amounts of money continually researching not only what their customers want and need, but they push technological boundaries, testing and re-testing their ideas. When they conclude what the next widget should be, they then invest tremendous amounts of money and manpower in developing and refining the final product that winds up on a neighborhood store shelf, or is clicked on in a mega online retailer like or the corporation’s own website.
How in the world does research and development apply in my life you may ask? Excellent question. Especially since the answers only come when the correct question has been asked! Whether in your own personal life or if you are a budding entrepreneur, you absolutely without question must invest in your own personal research and development. Thankfully, you will not need to invest the millions that many top businesses do, but you will have to have some skin in the game.
What am I talking about specifically? Once you have decided where in life, or in business you are determined to go and the course has been plotted out you then must go and conquer the learning curve. Resist attempting to reinvent the wheel. Solomon taught correctly that there is truly nothing new under the sun. Therefore, take full advantage of learning from the most successful people you can. By learning what mistakes they made, you can apply those lessons to your life and avoid making the same mistakes, if possible. Learn what they did do that was good. Again, make application to your specific situation and then do what they did and you will likely experience similar results. Learn about their good habits and emulate them. Follow the patterns of their success and then build your own story!
I have done this very thing in my own life. Most people face challenges in life. There is no doubt about that, we all suffer our own struggles. For me, blindness, two forms of malignant cancer, massive debt from being without health insurance at the time of cancer treatments, heart challenges, divorce and many other things put me at a huge disadvantage in life. Talk about being behind the 8 ball! I was determined to not be defined by what many would say I couldn’t do, but rather, to search my heart and decide who I was and what I was born to excel in! I then spent much of the last quarter century or more studying the exact things I am now telling you to go do. Today, I am the author of two published books with two more nearly completed. I have had blog and magazine articles written about me. I have appeared on radio and television interviews that have aired quite literally around the world. I have two blogs of my own that have a wide base of readers and followers and a growing YouTube channel. My website serves as a tool and resource for a multitude of people I will likely never meet, but, nonetheless have a powerful impact in their lives. I am an established and growing expert in the field of coaching, self-help and personal development. This did not come by chance, it came by choice! I did not choose all the challenges in my life, that was chosen for me. But the choice I am responsible for is the one that refused to fade away into obscurity and leaving this world no better for my having been here, but rather I chose to learn and grow in order to leave the world a better place than when I came into it.
Who were my influences? Wow! So many to be sure. A partial list would include authors like Les Brown, Zig Ziglar and others. By far these were two of my favorites. I also found great value in learning from books and audio books from people like Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill. There is also the Biblical account of Job. That is such an amazing account of a righteous man who lost everything but because of his faithfulness, determination and integrity not only ended up far wealthier than he started, but more importantly has positively impacted the lives of countless generations!
What are you going to do now? May I suggest you grab a copy of a book from someone you can relate to who inspires you and begin to devour their work and make application to your life? Naturally, I invite you to order a paperback or download a digital copy of one of my two books located either in my “book store” or in the sidebar of my website at I also highly encourage you to tap into the wealth of inspiration and motivation and wisdom offered up by the authors I mentioned previously. To make your life much easier, I will post a couple links below to some of my favorites available on Amazon. These links take you directly to Amazon and all orders are billed and filled by them. But I want you to hit those links and get at least one of these resources, and browse around for other related books to see what inspires you. Then, dig in and invest time into your own research and development program!
For more help, drop me a note via my contact form on this site and let me know you read this article. If you do, I will send you an offer for a free coaching consultation which we can conduct via phone or Facetime. In that free session for up to 30 minutes, I will learn about you and your needs and goals and suggest a plan that will work for you, or get you the referral you need that will best suit you. You have nothing to lose!