
Pardon my long absence!  Needless to say, I am bringing “Throttle Up!” back!

First I have missed writing for this blog and have been wanting to come back, but have waited until I was certain everything else was ready and ready to go.  Allow me to update you on a few things.  My website, is all new!  There you will find my twitter and facebook feeds on the homepage.  You will also find a video page with links to my highlighted videos along with a link to my YouTube subscribe video and link.  There is now a “blogs” page with links not only to this blog, but my newest blog, “Messiah In Sight.”  There is also a new and improved “books” page which has links to both my books in ebook and paperback format from Amazon and a link to my Barnes & Noble online page where you can find both ebooks.

This past week was spent in Florida where my family and I built a vacation around my latest TV appearance for my book, “The Excuse Assassin.”  This program will air at 10am on Tuesday August 23 on CTN… Dish Network channel 267 and Direct TV channel 376.  Later in the week, I will likely also add the interview to my YouTube channel.

Did I mention the new facebook fan page?  I highly encourage you to join the community and give it a “Like”

These are only a few of the high points that have happened since I last posted here.  Big things are happening and I am excited to revive this blog!

Be on the look out for new content coming this week!