
Well, this weight loss challenge has been a wild ride so far.  It has been filled with unexpected twists and turns.  I began with a phenomenal 8 1/2 pound loss in the first week.  I experienced a number of challenges with respect to my health coincidentally which lead me to gain a few pounds back and has filled me with an unexpected zeal for health I now am firmly in the middle of at this time.

Where am I now?  My health is good and I am back on track.  The weight gained has been lost again and I am now pushing forward towards my initial goal which we will measure how well I did on the 28th of the month.  Overall, I’m pleased with my progress and how this has evolved for me.

I have decided to dig deep into my past to pull from some old knowledge I had to dust off and remind myself that I knew.  Several years ago I was actually an NSCA-CPT (National Strength and Conditioning Association – Certified Personal Trainer.)  I held the certification for only 4 years and quite honestly didn’t do much with it.  Suffice it to say for now that one of the primary things I learned about was the first law of thermodynamics.  Broken down to its simplest terms if you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight!  Pretty simple formula to say the least.

This is where I have merged the South Beach Diet, which I love, with the use of the Fit Bit, which I now also seem to have a certain level of addiction to using!  Up until the last few days, I had not had time to set up the app on my phone so was merely using the fit bit as a means to measure my steps and overall activity.  The app has opened up the full usefulness of this technology and, quite honestly, the fun as well.

Not only am I tracking my steps, but now I am tracking my daily mileage, number of flights of stairs climbed, caloric intake measured against my calories burned.  I’m also logging my water intake and even linked up with my wife, who is also using the Fit Bit Charge HR and we challenge, encourage and, yes, taunt each other along the way.

Exercise had up until now not been anything I had great interest in doing.  Out of a sense of obligation I did some minimal treadmill work a few times a week but that was about it.  My wife accused me last night of being a bit obsessed with this whole thing.  I don’t think I’m addicted, but I am definitely am having fun!  I am on track today with my exercise to satisfy the daily challenges, but am in no way pushing myself today.  Taking a little time to let the body rest a bit.

There was no official weigh-in today, but yesterday I weighed in at 233, which is down 8 pounds from my original weigh in.  I’ll check in again at the end of the weekend because I fully expect to be out of the 230’s!

You are invited to join me in this fitness and weight loss challenge.  Challenge is a good word!  Most of the time I’m good and actually enjoying the journey, but there are moments I have to exercise not my body but my discipline!  In case you have not checked out the Fit Bit for yourself, I invite you to join me in this madness!  Below you will find a link to where you can explore which Fit Bit is right for you!  Enjoy.